Our Rules
- It is forbidden to smoke inside the rooms and the building. Only is it allowed to smoke in the courtyard and on the balcony on the first floor.
- Breakfast in agreement with the court bar
- Bed-linens and towels are changed every three days, in case of long stays.
- We suggest our guests to put their personal staff inside the safe or to keep it with them. We are not responsible for any loss.
- At the check-in we will give you the key of your room. In castor loss, we will charge 30€ for a new key.
- During the day, the guests are requested to leave their rooms between 10:30 am and 13:00 in order to clean it.
- The check-out is up to 10:30 am.
- The check-in is between 8 am and 13 pm.
- Please contact us if you arrive later than 7:00 pm, or if you have any other problems.
- It is possible to leave your luggage at the reception if you arrive early or if you leave after the check-out.